Transform your media into text and subtitles

Export to 20+ formats
50+ languages
Integrated workflows

Works with


Upload your media and select your language. Our speech recognition engine will take care of the job and notify you when it's done. You can continue working while our AI is doing the magic.


We connect your media to the transcript in our online text editor where you can update, highlight, detect speakers and search through your text, and scroll in your audio or video.


We support over 20 formats including: SRT, VTT,.docx. You can fine-tune the export with details like Timecode, Atlas format, speakers, etc. We also have developer-friendly options.

What our customers say

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“Efficient and User-Friendly: A Game-Changing Transcription Tool”

Txtplay is an incredible software for automatically transcribing videos into text. As a band manager, I use it to create subtitles for our marketing videos on TikTok, Instagram, and other social media platforms. This tool is incredibly smooth, easy to use, and integrates seamlessly with other software like Adobe Premiere Pro. What used to take me over 8 hours, I can now accomplish in just 20 minutes. Txtplay is a must-have for any content creator or marketer.

Lennart Loberg
Artist Manager

“In the top tier”

The most positive with txtplay is, in my opinion, the playback function itself, that the text gradually appears as you play the interview, which makes it easy to keep up. Also, I experience txtplay as the fastest transcription service I have tested when it comes to uploading and transcribing the interviews. When it comes to the actual transcription, txtplay is clearly in the top tier in my opinion - both when it comes to Swedish and English recordings. Not perfect but good enough for me and with the exact time indications it is easy to orientate in the interview if I want to pick out an exact quote.

Erik Skogh
Journalist at Frilansbyrå Skogh

One product many solutions

Our speech recognition service can transform many types of industries and use cases.

Create an account today for free. Or contact sales to schedule a demo.

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